As baby boom number two continues (at least that what it seems lately), I have been getting a lot of questions about my favorite baby things. So I thought I would put together a list of my personal must haves and why.
Some of these items might not apply to you and your little one as each mommy has her own way of raising baby, but these are all products that I personally have and love or my little guy loves!
My Top Five Must Haves!
Medela Freestyle Breast Pump - this item is pricey but so worth it! It is extremely efficient and is really small so if need be you can take it with you just about anywhere. I actually ended up buying additional accessories and the bottles (when I could get Landon to take one) work great as well. I have used MANY of the breast milk storage bags (my freezer is stocked!), they work great and are not as cumbersome at the plastic bottles.
MamaRoo - again this item is pricey but is probably my most used "baby in motion" item (and I think I have a version of them all :-/). Many great perks about this! It has several different motion settings, Landon's favorite seems to be the "Car Ride" on level two. It also has a speaker with preset noises (white noise, ocean, crickets, ect) and I truly believe they help my little guy relax and nap longer. He is actually sleeping in his MamaRoo as I type this!
Nap Nanny - yes, again, pricey but definitely a favorite. It's great because it so easy to move from room to room and Landon enjoys being in it. It props him up so he can see what is going on but also comfy enough where he can dose off or take and take a nap.
Gentle Giraffe - I think these also come in other animals but we have the giraffe. It now sleeps with us every night. It again has several default noises (white, ocean, nature, ect) and has a timer. It is small, soft, cute and truth be told, I now need it to fall asleep!
Activity Gym and
Play Mat - I grouped these together because they are similar but I think each are great to have! I started putting Landon under the activity gym as early as one week old. He wouldn't do much but lay there and stare at the toys hanging but he seemed to enjoy it. Now at 15 weeks (tomorrow) he grabs and kicks the toys. They make cute noises that make him smile and I actually ordered an extra Owl to have on his diaper bag and/or stroller. I got the play mat a couple weeks ago. He loves tummy time while on this mat and now has rolled over (twice, yay!) on it and just hangs out. I think he finds it really comfy! It is also nice to play with him on it and have his toys be consolidated to that area.
I will continue the list when I get more time but these are definitely my favorites. There are so many great toys and gadgets for mom and baby I could go on for days!
And some cute pics of my sweet boy!
And good luck to our San Francisco Giants tonight in Game 7 of the playoffs!