Landon is doing wonderfully!!! This little guy amazes me each and every day! He is very talkative and his vocabulary is off the charts. He comes up with the funniest things to say and almost always has me cracking up :). The other morning I opened the fridge to get him some milk and he said, "got milk?!" A couple of his other favorite words and phrases are:
I love you
See you
Chocolate Milk
Chocolate Milk
Oh come here
Come on now
Cool car
And he basically states everything he sees, all the time. Ie; fan, light, car, truck, window, moon, baby, potty, stroller, high chair, paper, iPad, iPod, bucket, ball, ect. He's pretty much at the point where you can ask him to say anything and he will. And as we recently found out (the hard way) he loves saying what we say... a little parrot :0 Time to really watch what we say!!
Potty training is right around the corner for us. For the last month he comes to me and tells me every time he's going to the bathroom. Part of me wants to wait but he's showing interest in the potty and I feel like he gets it... he understands the concept of going in the potty. Fingers crossed!!
Landon is the happiest outside. He'll spend an hour throwing rocks. He also loves to sweep, rake or basically do anything that we're doing.
This morning we went to a local Easter Egg Hunt. There was tons to do and Landon was able to run around for a couple of hours. All was good until he saw the field of Easter Eggs, then he just wanted the eggs. After kicking and screaming for 15 minutes Landon was able to go get some eggs and all was good once again.
Hope you are all enjoying the Holiday weekend!
This morning we went to a local Easter Egg Hunt. There was tons to do and Landon was able to run around for a couple of hours. All was good until he saw the field of Easter Eggs, then he just wanted the eggs. After kicking and screaming for 15 minutes Landon was able to go get some eggs and all was good once again.
Hope you are all enjoying the Holiday weekend!