I have absolutely loved blogging on and Tracking my Little Boy. But as our family continues to grow, I take on more endeavors and have more to talk about I thought it was fitting to start a blog that is more of a journal of my life as a mama and the projects I am working on. One of my favorite things is looking back at some of the earlier post on Tracking LB and reliving all the precious memories with LB. My goal is to continue to update you on all things Landon, all things Our New Little Girl and everything else I can think of (realistically have time to write about :)).
Head on over to the new blog and check out what's new and all of my 20 Weeks stats!!
Friday, August 29, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
19 Weeks
Weight gain: 1lb
Maternity Clothes: Still mixing it up. In this pic I'm wearing Joe's Maternity Jeans and a non maternity top I got from Anthropologie a while back.
Stretch Marks: None here!
Best Moment this week: I have pulled out all of my crafting supplies to work on Landon's baby book. With that I have also been printing out a bunch of pics from when I was pregnant with him and him as a tiny baby. I didn't realize how much I missed and loved being pregnant! Even though the beginning of this pregnancy was rough, really really rough, I feel so fortunate to get to experience it again!
Also, baby girl is officially kicking! Two nights ago the subtle movements became actual kicks! Forgot how much I missed feeling the baby in my belly too!
Miss Anything: Cocktails and lately sleep seems to be more difficult :(
Movement: YES!! Actual kicks!
Food Cravings: Salads, Lemon Water and Candy... lots and lots of candy!!! I might have ordered candy in bulk last night while I was trying to fall asleep lol!
Anything making you queasy or sick: For the most part I am feeling pretty good. I had a couple of days this last week that I didn't feel all that great but nothing crazy.
Gender: Girl :)
Labor signs: None
Belly Button In or Out: In
Happy or Moody: Happy!
Looking forward to: Two of my best friends are coming to visit me tonight and we're heading to a concert! Looking forward to a girls night! Also, our house goes on the market next week!!! Eeeek! So many last minute things to do but excited for the next chapter!
Saturday, August 16, 2014
18 Weeks
How far along? 18 Weeks 1 Day
Total weight gain: 0 lbs - back to even. I am certain this is because I have actually been going to the gym! :) Pilates 3x/week and cardio!
Maternity Clothes: Still mixing up a bunch of my clothes. For the most part, if they do not have a stretchy waistband, they are maternity pant. In this pic I am wearing Paige Denim Jeans and a Splendid top, both maternity.
Stretch marks: Not a one and hopefully it stays that way.
Best moment this week: For starters I feel good again! Over a week with no nausea! I feel like me again and get back into the gym. Four months of doing nothing has taken a toll on this body :(
Also, last night the hubby and I were able to get out for a date night. Always love a night out with my husband :)
Miss anything: More than a sip or two of red wine.
Movement: Still little flutters or big slows movements. I can tell she is super active! I am pretty sure I've felt a couple of actual kicks but everything is still very subtle.
Food cravings: Skittles, salads and lemon water. Lots and lots of water with lemon!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still taking Diclegis and Reglan. If I am still feeling good next week I will talk to my Dr about not taking them. I hate taking something everyday (except vitamins) so I would love to get off of them, but am really done being sick.
Gender: xx
Labor signs: None
Belly Button in or out? In
Happy or Moody: Happy!
Looking forward to: Hopefully feeling good the rest of this pregnancy! I also can't wait for Fall. There are so many cute fall clothes in the stores and I'm really ready for cozy sweater weather!
Wednesday, August 13, 2014
Life of Landon Lately
Aside from being so incredibly adorable (I could just eat him up) he is doing great! Everyday he does something that cracks me up. Whether telling our waiter to "Hey! Bring that back!" when they take our check with credit card or sitting in the cart at Home Depot and telling us to turn off the lights on the aisle with all the lighting fixtures, he constantly puts a smile on everyones face!
He has become a parrot. He says EVERYTHING you say, EVERYTHING! This also includes songs we listen to, any movie quote or us simply reacting poorly to a bad play while watching baseball. It is all I can do not to fall on the floor laughing half of the time but then he would just say whatever it was 5000 more times.
I don't think there is a word he can't say. He speaks in sentences and can just about have a conversation with you. He'll do favors for you, put the dogs in their crates or bring you something if it's within his reach.
He is very independent but is still very much a mama's boy and will cuddle on the couch with me for hours watching movies. He loves to say "I love you more!" when you tell him you love him and has so many kisses to give, even to Gabbie!
We recently started potty training. I am not going to say much because I don't want to jinx anything, but so far so good! A lot of work and effort... I don't think I have ever said "Do you want to go pee-pee in the potty?" so many times in the day, ever. But slowly but surely he is getting the hang of it. I will post on what worked, what didn't and everything in between once I feel we've given the boot to daytime diapers. Once he has mastered the big boy potty we will convert his crib into a toddler bed.
FPIES - I thought this food allergy would be the death of me for the longest time. The countless trips to the ER, staring at my lifeless baby while they would try and try again to get an IV in him. Those are days I never want to relive. For a long time I would read every food label religiously making sure there was no rice. Would have anxiety every time we would eat out because what if some rice got in his meal somehow. I haven't given him a bowl of rice just yet. But I have been more relaxed about the labels and have even given him small bites of food that has rice in it. There has been no reaction so I guess I just need to do a food challenge and see if he has outgrown it like the doctors said he would.
I often miss his littleness but I swear everyday keeps getting better. I still can not get over how much I love him, what they say is true - A mothers love for her child is like no other.
He is my little sidekick!!
Friday, August 8, 2014
17 Weeks
How far along? 17 Weeks
Total weight gain: 1 lbs
Maternity clothes: I am pretty much officially in maternity bottoms with the exception of stretchy waistbands or workout clothes (even then they're very low cut) and mixing my non-maternity and maternity tops. Which reminds me, again, of a missing pair of maternity jeans I just bought. My favorites, J Brands, have seriously just up and disappeared. Either pregnancy brain has me beat of the jeans literally got up and left my house.
Stretch marks: Mustela worked wonders last pregnancy and using the same thing this go around. Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
Best moment this week: Actually getting to the gym and working out... for the first time in months :/ And Football season is here!
Miss anything: Cocktails, beer, martini's, wine... (this will probably be here throughout the pregnancy)
And sushi, would really love some yummy sushi.
Movement: Itty bitty flutters
Food cravings: Sushi
Anything making you queasy or sick? Still suffering from the constant feeling of "ick." There are many times that I feel absolutely nauseous and vomit but majority of the time I just don't feel good. It is beyond frustrating :( I had a Doctors appointment today and she said that often times when women have been this sick this long it often gets better by week 18. I'm pretty sure she told me the same thing about getting into the second trimester. UGH!!!
Gender: It's a baby GIRL!!!
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or Moody? Tired and Happy :)
Looking forward to: Family BBQ this weekend
Monday, August 4, 2014
Sneak Peek from Landon is TWO!!
I'm not sure how he keeps getting cuter by the second, but he does! His personality is awesome and he keeps us laughing daily! I can't believe he is two! Here are a couple of cute pics from his photo session last week :)
Photo's by the fabulous Eva Baker!
Landon will be a big brother to a little......
This last Thursday we went to a 3D/4D ultrasound so we could take a peek at our sweet baby and of course, find out the gender! It is always so amazing to get a glimpse of what they look like in gestation. I am so happy we have the technology we do! While at the ultrasound we closed our eyes when she went over the gender bits and had her seal it in an envelope. I had already booked a photo shoot for that evening to capture Landon at two years old so I thought what better way to find out the gender than to open the envelope in front of our photographer to capture the very moment we found out what we were having! It is such a precious time in all of our lives and feel so incredibly fortunate to share it with my amazing husband and darling little boy!
The moment we opened the envelope!
I can not get over Landon's face in this pic!
It's a GIRL!!!!!
We are all so extremely excited to have a baby GIRL coming this winter! I am still in shock and get choked up even thinking about it! Such a special day!!!
I will post a couple of sneak peeks of "Landon is Two!" shortly.
And again, Eva did an amazing job of capturing such a special time in our lives!!!
Look her up at Eva Baker Photography
Friday, July 25, 2014
15 Weeks! Will LB have a little brother or sister??
Eeeek!! As you may (or may not) know, I have no patience!! So now that I am in the 15th week I have made an appointment to find out what we are having! In the beginning of this pregnancy I was convinced it was another little boy, but now I am not so sure. There are so many old wives tales to go off of and so many were wrong for Landon, but quite a few were right. We will know for sure though very very soon! What's your guess??
How far along? 15 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0 lbs
Maternity clothes: The clothes that I am wearing in this pic are not maternity but... not for long! Everything is getting pretty tight! I think with Landon I wore my regular clothes (skinny jeans included) until I was 22 weeks! Not the case with the baby!
Stretch marks: No
Best moment this week: I think I had one day that I didn't feel nauseous... it was wonderful!
Miss anything: Cocktails, beer, martini's, wine... (this will probably be here throughout the pregnancy)
Movement: Itty bitty flutters
Food cravings: Soft Batch Cookies and Cactus Cooler
Anything making you queasy or sick? Diclegis has been helping but I feel icky more often than not :( Between feeling like crap and good sleep a rarity (I have never been a good sleeper) I am really hoping the end is near!
Gender: Will find out soon! Very soon!
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or Moody? My Husband says moody lol!!! ... but I say HAPPY!
Looking forward to: Seeing the baby in a 3D/4D ultrasound, FINDING OUT IF IT'S BLUE OR PINK!!! and having a little mini vacay at the beach :)
Hope you all have a great weekend!
Saturday, July 12, 2014
13 Weeks
How far along? 13 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0 lbs
Maternity clothes: Not yet... but I am loving all things stretchy waistband and drawstring :)
Stretch marks: No
Best moment this week: Celebrating my little dudes Second Birthday and seeing Baby Number Two in the 12 week ultrasound :)
Miss anything: Cocktails, beer, martini's, wine...
Movement: Each and every time I have seen this baby in an ultrasound it is moving and grooving! I am not exactly sure if what I'm feeling is the baby just yet but I imagine it won't be much longer until its movement is totally distinguishable!
Food cravings: Still Peaches, Strawberries and Candy!
Anything making you queasy or sick? I actually got a prescription for Diclegis from my Dr earlier this week and am feeling SO much better. It's a miracle drug! I'm so bummed I haven't had it the last three months :(
Gender: Too soon to tell...
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or Moody? Happy and Happier!
Looking forward to: Seeing my Family this week :)
Landon is TWO!!!
Two days ago we celebrated Landon's Second Birthday. It still feels like yesterday that I was in the hospital giving birth to him. Crazy how the time flies! I went back and forth about having a big party but with the sickness that has come along with this pregnancy there was no way I could commit to much. The guilt over it comes and goes but I figured I would take him some place fun and celebrate as soon as I feel like I can leave the couch for longer than an hour :(
Our day was spent at home. Waking up to tons of balloons followed by opening presents then out to a nice dinner. It was actually pretty perfect! I am excited to be able to go and celebrate with my little guy soon though!
Happy Birthday Baby Boy!!!! I love you to the moon and back!!!!
Tuesday, July 8, 2014
12 Weeks!
Here we go.... :)
How far along? 12.5 Weeks
Total weight gain: 0 lbs
Maternity clothes: Not just yet... I have gone into some maternity stores and picked up a few pieces that I thought were cute. I can still wear my regular clothes but they are getting tight fast!! I will definitely be in maternity clothes a lot faster with this pregnancy than I was with the last one!
Stretch marks: Fingers crossed I get through another pregnancy without any.
Best moment this week: Having a fun day date with just me and my little man then going on another date with my husband last night :)
Miss anything: Cocktails on a hot summer day :(
Movement: Still a little too early...
Food cravings: Peaches, Strawberries and Candy!
Anything making you queasy or sick? Morning, afternoon and night sickness has kicked my butt with this pregnancy :(
Gender: Too soon to tell...
Labor signs: No
Belly button in or out? In
Happy or Moody? Elated!!!
Looking forward to: Celebrating Landon's Birthday! How is my baby TWO already??
Saturday, July 5, 2014
Did you hear?!?
We thought we would start our Fourth of July off with little fireworks of our own...
Landon is going to be a big brother!!!
My husband and I are so excited to add to our little family!
This pregnancy (so far) has been completely different than when I was pregnant with Landon. Morning, afternoon and night sickness... ugh!!!! I haven't felt "good" in what seems like an eternity. With the first trimester over, I am hoping I get back to my normal self soon!
Everything else is wonderful! I feel so lucky, blessed, fortunate... it's all just amazing!!!
Twelve week pregnancy board coming very soon!!
Hope you all had a wonderful 4th!
Saturday, April 19, 2014
Easter Weekend Update
Landon is doing wonderfully!!! This little guy amazes me each and every day! He is very talkative and his vocabulary is off the charts. He comes up with the funniest things to say and almost always has me cracking up :). The other morning I opened the fridge to get him some milk and he said, "got milk?!" A couple of his other favorite words and phrases are:
I love you
See you
Chocolate Milk
Chocolate Milk
Oh come here
Come on now
Cool car
And he basically states everything he sees, all the time. Ie; fan, light, car, truck, window, moon, baby, potty, stroller, high chair, paper, iPad, iPod, bucket, ball, ect. He's pretty much at the point where you can ask him to say anything and he will. And as we recently found out (the hard way) he loves saying what we say... a little parrot :0 Time to really watch what we say!!
Potty training is right around the corner for us. For the last month he comes to me and tells me every time he's going to the bathroom. Part of me wants to wait but he's showing interest in the potty and I feel like he gets it... he understands the concept of going in the potty. Fingers crossed!!
Landon is the happiest outside. He'll spend an hour throwing rocks. He also loves to sweep, rake or basically do anything that we're doing.
This morning we went to a local Easter Egg Hunt. There was tons to do and Landon was able to run around for a couple of hours. All was good until he saw the field of Easter Eggs, then he just wanted the eggs. After kicking and screaming for 15 minutes Landon was able to go get some eggs and all was good once again.
Hope you are all enjoying the Holiday weekend!
This morning we went to a local Easter Egg Hunt. There was tons to do and Landon was able to run around for a couple of hours. All was good until he saw the field of Easter Eggs, then he just wanted the eggs. After kicking and screaming for 15 minutes Landon was able to go get some eggs and all was good once again.
Hope you are all enjoying the Holiday weekend!
Friday, March 28, 2014
Hello Spring!!
It has been a minute since I have been able to sit down and work on my blog. There have been so many changes and I have been so so so busy... oh and my baby is almost two! Which in my case means I am constantly on the go and relishing the few moments of downtime I actually have!
Spring is here and oh so many projects are under way at our (new) house. I promise (for real this time ;)) to do better about updating the blog and keeping everyone updated on Landon - who by the way is not only the most intelligent 20 month old I know but also one of the cutest! I know I'm his mom, but seriously!
Here are a couple of pics from the other morning and I promise to post again soon about what we've been up to!
Spring is here and oh so many projects are under way at our (new) house. I promise (for real this time ;)) to do better about updating the blog and keeping everyone updated on Landon - who by the way is not only the most intelligent 20 month old I know but also one of the cutest! I know I'm his mom, but seriously!
Here are a couple of pics from the other morning and I promise to post again soon about what we've been up to!
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