
Saturday, July 27, 2013

One Year Old

Waking up as a ONE YEAR OLD! (or soon to be at 7:00pm)

Well it happened, July 10th came and my precious boy turned ONE! He slept in until almost 9:00 which is extremely unusual, but it gave me time to have everything perfect for him. We sung Happy Birthday as we walked down the stairs and he was instantly enamored with all of his balloons. He could care less about anything else and kept saying "ba-woons! ba-woons!" It was the cutest thing ever!

Then if was off for a busy day!

Our first stop... his twelve months check up. 

Landon is doing great and growing just as every little boy should! He is a long and a really lean little guy, but we attribute that to his FPIES. He still breastfeeds and gets about 60% of his intake form breast milk. I am so fortunate that we are still able to continue nursing! He has hit all of his milestones ahead of schedule and continues to impress everyone around him! I will post his stats and more about his appointment with his 'One Year' board. After a couple of shots (I know I know, who takes their baby to get shots on their Birthday... eeesh!) we were off to the Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk.

I was so excited to take him to the Boardwalk. I spent so much of my time as a kid there I couldn't wait to take Landon. I was a little worried he wouldn't like it, but he LOVED it! He loved watching all the people, going on the rides and just had and all around, great time! Not to mention a great nap on our way home!

When we got home it was time to play with some of his new toys...

Then a bath and he was off to bed! I still can't believe a year has gone by! The time keeps going by faster and faster. But as it goes by I fall more and more in love with him. He is becoming such a little person with the best and sweetest personality ever! I am the luckiest person in the world to be able to be with him every day!

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