
Sunday, November 18, 2012

So many new things!

I can't believe how many things Landon is able to do these last few weeks! He's been rolling over form time to time (sometimes intentional and sometimes not :-)) but only from his tummy to his back. For a little over two weeks he has been able to hold on to his toys (watch out, he throws them too!) which makes playing with his teether toys much easier. He is laughing all the time and when I say laughing, I mean a real good, belly laugh! It is the best noise ever! He is constantly smiling so it doesn't surprise me that he has an abundance of laughter. He is extremely talkative and making all sorts of noises, and of course, as his mom I swear I've heard "mom!" I know it's just coincidence but it's still pretty cool! It seems like he's really feeling out textures and pays attention to different noises, he is enamored with so many of his toys and takes so much in when we're out and about.
His sleep schedule has been good until he caught a little cold a few days ago. He's not quite sleeping through the night but he does sleep for six hours strait - I'm not complaining! Just about a week ago he started to sit up on his own. He would sit up before but fall over within seconds. But now he can sit up for minutes at a time (when I say sit up it's more of a "tripod"). I'm pretty impressed with my four month old! There is so much of me that wants him to stay an itty bitty baby forever but it is so magical watching learn and explore new things! Being a mommy is beyond what I could have ever imagined it to be!

This video was taken when Landon was about 14-15 weeks old.

This video is from tonight :-) He's sick (you can hear the "raspiness" in his voice) and he is full of laughter! 

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