
Wednesday, April 18, 2012

The Third Trimester is here!!!

Wow! It doesn't feel that long ago that I was telling people that I was pregnant. I know I say this a lot, but I can't believe how fast time is flying! I am starting to feel a little pressure to get some things done, like a place for LB to sleep, lol! I am not doing a nursery until I move so all of that stuff is on hold. But I still have a list of things I need to do before he gets here. Maybe I'll go get some of it done this afternoon ;-).
I went to the see my doctor on Monday. Everything has stayed the same which is good! However, I was not taken off of bed rest which is bad. Hopefully if I continue to not be stressed and keep activity to a minimum, I'll at least be allowed to resume normal activity on Monday. I do think exercise is out for the remainder of the pregnancy though :-(. It's a huge pain (not to mention boring) for me but I will do anything to make sure LB is okay!
Hmmm, what else? I've made it to the third trimester! The next couple of months are going to fly as there is a lot going on! Baby shower, photo shoot, family and friends visiting... it's going to be so much fun and a little crazy! Thank goodness for all the fabulous friends and family that have been by my side!

How far along? 28 Weeks = 7 Months = THIRD trimester!!

Total weight gain: 11 lbs

Maternity clothes: Dressing the bump for sure! But still fitting into a lot of my normal clothes!

Stretch marks: No, thank goodness!

Best moment this week: Seeing LB and hearing his heartbeat!

Miss anything? Exercise and being tan! Saturday I will be parked by the pool!

Movement: I didn't think it was possible for him to move more than he already did! He moves all the time!

Food cravings: Strawberries dipped in sour cream and brown sugar!

Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope

Have you started to show? Yes

Gender: Boy!

Labor signs: Still a lot of braxton hicks contractions and feeling low pressure

Belly button in or out? Still an innie!

Happy or Moody: Happy!

Looking forward to: This weekend! Prenatal massage, sun, pool and great company!

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